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 zaccaz58 application

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-10-31

zaccaz58 application Empty
PostSubject: zaccaz58 application   zaccaz58 application EmptyMon Oct 31, 2011 7:41 am

Minecraft username:zaccaz58

Age:21 ...22 next month

How often do you play, and for how long?: 1 year now and I play at least 5 days of the week

Why do you deserve Moderator? Be as thorough as possible:Well for one im not 14. I know the difference between right and wrong. I'm tired of seeing people grief others creations and won't to see justice done. I want to see them banned with good reason and not just ban abunch for people cause of information but because it was them that did it.

Description of yourself:I am a neat and clean person who likes to have everything organized and planned out. Once all is set out before me i like seeing thing flowing into place.

How much time could you be on the server weekly?: anywhere between 20-30 hours a week

How long have you played minecraft?: just over a year now

How much Bukkit plugin experience do you have?:I know quiet alot of plugins, favorites are voxelsnipe and vanishnopickup: which hides admins from other players so they can follow someone and not be seen. also the dynamic map plugin is fun too, which let you watch from a top down view of the world.

Are you a good builder? If so what is your best work?:I think i am ...i do best with Asian looking buildings and roman ones too...ive helped build a city on another server i use to have before it went down.

Can you conduct yourself in a mature fashion?: yes i can

What can you bring to the server? How can you make the server better?:I can being good service to those on the service that need help right away. As well if the owner/admin needs ideas on how to solve a problem i know plenty of plugins that will help.
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