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 BeastyWhiteBoii's Application

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2 posters

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-10-30

BeastyWhiteBoii's Application Empty
PostSubject: BeastyWhiteBoii's Application   BeastyWhiteBoii's Application EmptySun Oct 30, 2011 6:39 am

Minecraft username: BeastyWhiteBoii

Age: 15

How often do you play, and for how long?: depending on the day, 1-9 hours

Why do you deserve Moderator? Be as thorough as possible: I have been staff on about 10 successfull servers,

Description of yourself: I like to play minecraft, and i love to help on servers.

How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 20 hours

How long have you played minecraft?: 1.4

How much Bukkit plugin experience do you have?: depending on the plugin, i have much knowledge in worldedit and towny, and I have been learning on some other plugins

Are you a good builder? If so what is your best work?: I am a decent builder, I haven't made anything huge, but I have made some nice stuff in my time.

Can you conduct yourself in a mature fashion?: I am always mature on minecraft

What can you bring to the server? How can you make the server better?: I can bring helpful knowledge and advice to new players, i can bring more people to the server,
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Posts : 78
Join date : 2011-10-29

BeastyWhiteBoii's Application Empty
PostSubject: Re: BeastyWhiteBoii's Application   BeastyWhiteBoii's Application EmptySun Oct 30, 2011 10:11 pm


Your app is still pending.

Thanks for the app!
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BeastyWhiteBoii's Application
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