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 Moderator Application

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Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-11-03

Moderator Application Empty
PostSubject: Moderator Application   Moderator Application EmptyThu Nov 03, 2011 3:46 am

Moderator Application

Minecraft username: Mike132465

Age: 13 almost 14

How often do you play, and for how long?: i play most days and when i play i play for about 3-5 hours usually

Why do you deserve Moderator? Be as thorough as possible: I deserve to be a moderator because i will help in any way possible, i am very dedicated to servers and i will always do what is right forthe server. i will also help build things. furthermore, i know a lot of plugins so i will not have problems with most of them

Description of yourself: I am someone who likes to have fun, doesnt take things too sereously but is responsoble when i need to be.

How much time could you be on the server weekly?: about 20-30 hours.

How long have you played minecraft?: since 1.6.

How much Bukkit plugin experience do you have?: a lot since i have a bukkit server i play on with some friends.

Are you a good builder? If so what is your best work?: i am a pretty good builder its hard to choose the best thing i have made.... probably a TNT cannon design i have made. I dont build very pretty houses but i am good at interior design and making redstone things.

Can you conduct yourself in a mature fashion?: yes i can.

What can you bring to the server? How can you make the server better?: i can make the server better by upholding the rules, listen to things people have to say and take action and help build it up.

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