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 Apply for Moderator here!

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PostSubject: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 5:09 am

Please post your applications in this thread.

Last edited by Admin on Sat Oct 29, 2011 5:16 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Sticky.)
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PostSubject: mod plz   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 5:12 am

Admin wrote:
Please post your applications in this thread.

hi can i be a mod

IGN: oliverp102202


Oliverp102202 Very Happy Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 5:13 am


You clearly didn't read the application layout, so your application has been rejected.
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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 5:23 am

Minecraft username: LostSpade

Age: 14

How often do you play, and for how long?: Hours... :S

Why do you deserve Moderator? Be as thorough as possible: Other than the fact that I was recommended to posting this, I'm mature, good with plugins, and I have moderated a server, before the owner closed it.

Description of yourself: I am a well-minded being, knowing right from wrong, and has a keen eye...

How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I have school, but I still can join hourly and help others.

How long have you played minecraft?: Since 1.5

How much Bukkit plugin experience do you have?: BigBrother, LogBlock, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, and Essentials. (I haven'y ever used MCBans before, though)

Are you a good builder? If so what is your best work?: I'm not the best builder, I like to work with Redstone.

Can you conduct yourself in a mature fashion?: Yes.

What can you bring to the server? How can you make the server better?: An active moderator for one, and I have no problem helping people out if they are having a problem Smile

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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 5:24 am

Take Spade's app as an example, guys. It's essentially a model app, though I'd recommend to fill it out a bit more, i.e. more writing Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 5:25 am

Minecraft username: oliverp102202


How often do you play, and for how long?: since march 2011 and whenever i can

Why do you deserve Moderator? Be as thorough as possible: I deserve to be a mod as i have a good amount of experience
and disagree with griefing and hacking

Description of yourself: helpful friendly and willing to help people

How much time could you be on the server weekly?: every evening (British time) and on weekends

How long have you played minecraft?: since march 2011

How much Bukkit plugin experience do you have?: not loads, but i can learn a bit more

Are you a good builder? If so what is your best work?: my finest was a Colosseum on an old server map which was reset recently. I made it with a friend

Can you conduct yourself in a mature fashion?: yes definatly

What can you bring to the server? How can you make the server better?: I could help build up a town eg a town fountain a town clock city hall skyscrapers prefab houses and much more!


Oliverp102202 lol! king
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Age : 29

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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 5:26 am

Minecraft Username:Martyd009
I Play Minecraft A lot.
I Think i should be a moderator on this server because i'm sure to help anyone and very kind.Plus i would just love to be a moderator. Smile
I am a very great person with a good personality and very helpful and quite funny.
I Have played minecraft since well before Minecraft Alpha's Halloween Update.
I Have a bit of Bukkit experience.
I Am quite a good builder.
Yes i can conduct myself in a mature fashion
I can bring this server more people to join and a extra helping hand.
There thats my minecraft Moderator application for this server. Thanks a lot!! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 5:28 am


This is a good app.

I will keep my eye on you for a while a longer, to see if I think you're ready.

The only thing that worries me about your app is your age, though I'm sure if I notice you being friendly/helpful I'll give you a trial soon.

Thanks for the app!

(Note - This isn't an accepted app or a rejected app - There are areas of concern which have impacted the response, though this is not to say that you will not become a mod).
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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 5:31 am


A good app, though I don't really know you enough to instantly promote you. As goes for Oliver, I'll keep an eye on you to see how you'd go if you were given a trial.

Thanks for the app!
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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 5:57 am

Minecraft username:


How often do you play, and for how long?:like 3 hours a day (summer im on like 15 hours aday)

Why do you deserve Moderator? Be as thorough as possible:I Own A Server And Ive Made Near $200 In Donations And I Would Like FOr U To Get Some 2 My SErver Ip If U Wanna Check It Out Is

How much time could you be on the server weekly?:about 8 hours

How long have you played minecraft?:1.3

How much Bukkit plugin experience do you have?:ALOT DUR I OWN A SERVER

Are you a good builder? If so what is your best work?:No.

Can you conduct yourself in a mature fashion?:Yes.

What can you bring to the server? How can you make the server better?:Get Lots Of Donations Very Happy
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Apply for Moderator here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 5:59 am


Your app is being considered, please stay active and helpful on the server, so we can make a decision.

Thanks for your app!
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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 6:10 am

Admin wrote:
Please post your applications in this thread.

Minecraft username: shadowangell


How often do you play, and for how long?: I play for roughly 5 hours a day, a bit to much but oh well Smile

Why do you deserve Moderator? Be as thorough as possible:I have good intentions and have been trying to become a moderator on many servers for the past year but because of my lack of knowledge i havent found one

Description of yourself: friendly and patient

How much time could you be on the server weekly?: almost every evening but most of the time on weekends

How long have you played minecraft?: since January 2010

How much Bukkit plugin experience do you have?: pretty much nothing but i am intrested in learning

Are you a good builder? If so what is your best work?: I am a dedicated builder with good ideas just not much knowledge

Can you conduct yourself in a mature fashion?: yes

What can you bring to the server? How can you make the server better?: I can build some things but i would aim on helping new people because when i first joined minecarft none was very helpful so i would try my very best to prevent that from happining
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Apply for Moderator here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 6:13 am


You are being considered and watched for moderator position. Please stay active!

Thanks for the app!
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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 6:51 am

Minecraft Username: Wilw99


How often do you play, and for how long?: I have played mc for about 4 months and i play about 2 hours a day beccause i have school

Why do you deserve Moderator? Be as thorough as possible: I thiink that i could be a moderator because i have enough experience in playing

Description of yourself: helpful friendly and willing to help people

How much time could you be on the server weekly?: every evening (U.S time) and on weekends

How long have you played minecraft?: For 4 months

How much Bukkit plugin experience do you have?: not loads, but i can learn a bit more

Are you a good builder? If so what is your best work?: my best was a Twelve storie tower made out of obsidian with a friend on his server

Can you conduct yourself in a mature fashion?: yes

What can you bring to the server? How can you make the server better?: I could help build up a city and a town including a town hall a town quarry and a town inn.
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PostSubject: Mod application   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 7:09 am

Minecraft username:


How often do you play, and for how long?: everyday about 8 hours or more

Why do you deserve Moderator? Be as thorough as possible: i think i deserve mod because im on very often and am experienced but not with world edit i need to know that a bit more

Description of yourself: My name is Daniel im 14 years old and live in the uk

How much time could you be on the server weekly?: ALOT

How long have you played minecraft?: since 1.4

How much Bukkit plugin experience do you have?: i know alot of commands but world edit im blank -_-

Are you a good builder? If so what is your best work?: i am an experienced builder and the best thing i dont was build a mini adventure map on an old server

What can you bring to the server? How can you make the server better?: i can bring less stress for the server if people greif because i am very strict about the rules
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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 7:14 am


I'll keep an eye on you in chat, just be friendly and have fun!


I'll watch you also, have fun!

Thanks for your applications!
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PostSubject: CayceH Application   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 7:18 am

Minecraft username: CayceH

Age: 13 almost 14

How often do you play, and for how long?: I normally play everyday at least 5 hours on weekends at least 3 on school nights.

Why do you deserve Moderator? Be as thorough as possible: I am very good at working with plugins and building creations. I have been a moderator on 3 servers and have been very successful in making the owner(s) happy at what I can accomplish for them.

Description of yourself: I am very addicted to mine craft I would be able to watch the server every day. I love pleasing people and making sure things are done orderly, on time, and very detailed when finished.

How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I could be on it as much as possible every day and from 9 a.m. eastern standard time till 2 p.m. and then 7 p.m. till 1 or 2 a.m.

How long have you played mine craft?: I have been playing mine craft for 4 months.

How much Bukkit plugin experience do you have?: I run my own server so I am very experienced especially with world edit which is very important.

Are you a good builder? If so what is your best work?: I am a very good builder I have built 2 custom maps from scratch for 2 servers. My best creation would probably be an exact replica of my character's skin.

Can you conduct yourself in a mature fashion?: Yes I can conduct myself in a very mature fashion one that would be very pleasing to the server guests and fellow moderators.

What can you bring to the server? How can you make the server better?: I can make the server better by making it a place that follows the rules and everyone would want to join and not have to deal with stuff like griefing and hacks.
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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 7:21 am


Please remain on the server for as much as you can for the next hour and a bit.

Thanks for the app!
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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 7:40 am

Minecraft username:

Age: 17

How often do you play, and for how long?: a lot when(5-6 Hours a day lol)

Why do you deserve Moderator? Be as thorough as possible: I am very good with commands and plugins.
I am not a little kid.
I am a friendly player.
I am a fair player.
I am very good with Pixelart and building Statues of Players:)

Description of yourself: Fun, Creative, Friendly and Fair to others

How much time could you be on the server weekly?: lets say a lot (most of the week)

How long have you played minecraft?: 3-4 Years

How much Bukkit plugin experience do you have?: a lot. im experienced with almost all plugins like worldedit, worldguard and Mob Desguise.
Are you a good builder? If so what is your best work?:

Can you conduct yourself in a mature fashion?: yes I can

What can you bring to the server? How can you make the server better?: I can make Pixelart, keep people from breaking rules of the server.
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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 7:44 am


I'll consider and watch you.

Thanks for the app!
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PostSubject: app to be a mod   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySun Oct 30, 2011 4:29 am

Minecraft username: Domiees


How often do you play, and for how long?: everyday prob 12hrs maybe more a day

Why do you deserve Moderator? Be as thorough as possible: i know the commands i used to be an admin on a server called swordcraft

Description of yourself: i am fun, outgoing, funny, i am a hard worker

How much time could you be on the server weekly?: prob 99.9% of the time im always on minecraft

How long have you played minecraft?: 1 year

How much Bukkit plugin experience do you have?: i know mob disguise. the server i was admin for didnt really have plugins that we had to learn

Are you a good builder? If so what is your best work?:yes my house was my best work

Can you conduct yourself in a mature fashion?: yes i am 20 lol

What can you bring to the server? How can you make the server better?: i can bring some of my friends from the other server i admined for and i am also a really good people person
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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySun Oct 30, 2011 5:01 am


A promising app! Give it maybe a day or two, and the mod position is yours!

I just need some time to get to know you better!

Thanks for the app!
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PostSubject: Mod   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySun Oct 30, 2011 5:57 am

don't know how the comment thing works but here!

Minecraft username: vipertiper

Age: 16

How often do you play, and for how long?: 5 hours or 3 hours if i have spare time

Why do you deserve Moderator? Be as thorough as possible: Very mature or sometimes mature

Description of yourself: Love minecraft and my little pony Razz

How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 4 hours

How long have you played minecraft?: since beta started

How much Bukkit plugin experience do you have?: zome i have my own server

Are you a good builder? If so what is your best work?: i made a spire out of fences

Can you conduct yourself in a mature fashion?: Yes i belive so i can

What can you bring to the server? How can you make the server better?: Active ban griefers and atleast ban hackers or try to spam our server

Im a boy
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PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySun Oct 30, 2011 9:37 am

Minecraft username: DOAPunishment

Age: 16

How often do you play, and for how long?: I play every night, for at least 2 hours. Weekends extend to maybe even 4 hours minimum

Why do you deserve Moderator? Be as thorough as possible: I have been on Multi player since Beta. I played on a server that has the bukkit commands and many more similar. I know the way around Minecraft, and I handle situations with good judgement. I was considered for a mod on a bigger server, but was inactive do to personal issues.

Description of yourself: Mature, friendly, out-going. Oh and I'm the Nyan Cat.

How much time could you be on the server weekly?: I can be on from about 7 eastern standard time, to about 10:15.

How long have you played minecraft?: Since 1.2 alpha

How much Bukkit plugin experience do you have?: World Guard, Essentials, Protections, I know /ban.

Are you a good builder? If so what is your best work?: Assisted in a remake of the Buckingham Palace, built a few places on my own. All got erased when 1.8 Beta came along

Can you conduct yourself in a mature fashion?: Yes, words don't get to me and if people are out of line, I can fix it.

What can you bring to the server? How can you make the server better?: I will (if given this position) be an active and friendly moderator. I know the rules, and I can assist with big projects. I know how bukkit works, and how model moderators act.
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Apply for Moderator here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apply for Moderator here!   Apply for Moderator here! EmptySun Oct 30, 2011 10:11 pm


This is an excellent app.

If you stick around on the server a while longer, the position's yours!

Thanks for the app!
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